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Showing posts with the label Subud

Programs of the World Subud Association

Some of these things are related to Subud's future. Future generations may require access to your talks, letters and documents, as well as documents relating to the establishment and dissemination of Subud. WSA manages and organizes a collection of international archives located in Australia and Indonesia. Thank you very much for the work of the late Faisall Sillem, all the talks Mr and Mrs maintained in the audio format in the latest technology and stored in three international locations. The WSA is working with Subud Publications International (SPI), which produces a collection of your official written conversations in English, and the WSA also oversees the translation of Mr and Mrs Rahayu's conversations into other languages. In addition, the WSA has trademarks for Subud names and symbols, as well as copyrights for the talks of Mr and Mrs Rahayu, and this seeks to protect this for the long future of Subud. The WSA has an official histor...

WSA Services – supporting member countries and individual members

Photos: Isti Jenkins directing quilt project given as a thank you gift to the Christchurch Subud Group for hosting the 13th World Congress. Subud Youth event in Indonesia. The World Subud Association (WSA) provides support for the various lives of Subud. I. WSA financially supports and International Assisting organizations in their work visit WSA member countries, attend national congresses and zone meetings. II. The WSA member national organization helps through its zonal network, and the WSA executive also provides financial support and other support for the development of national congresses, zonal meetings and other activities. III. WSA aims to nurture and strengthen the global Subud community. In addition to world congresses and international meetings, WSA provides bulletins, networks and other forms of communication. This includes support for younger Subud community members. IV. Subud members with emergency needs can apply to the WSA for...

World Subud Association-Asosiasi Susila Budhi Dharma International

WSA Zones For organizational purposes, the World Subud Association is divided into nine zones. To be able to coordinate the work of the WSA, each zone has a coordinator who represents their countries on the World Subud Council between world congresses. Zone Representatives also chair councils for their zone, are directors of the WSA, and form the voting body of the WSC, along with the WSA Chairperson. The WSA is also divided into three geographic Areas for assisting individual members and groups in the practice of the latihan. Each Area is represented by six international helpers making a total of 18 world wide. You may find contacts for countries with Subud members and a list of countries with Subud members here. The Zones are roughly geographically split in the following manner: Zone 1 Oceania Zone 2 Part of the Middle East and Southern Asia Zone 3 Western Europe Zone 4 Eastern Europe, Northern Asia and part of the Middle East...

Welcome SUBUD ( Susila Budhi Dharma)

The World Subud Association (WSA)  is the umbrella organization for the worldwide Subud community. Members of the WSA are 54 national Subud organizations. The essence of Subud is a spiritual exercise or training called the ‘latihan’ which is open to people whatever their religion or belief. Through this practice, a person may spontaneously go through inner changes that allow one to be more fully human and more sensitive to higher values. These changes express themselves in one’s everyday pursuits. Subud involves no creed; people form their own beliefs based on their personal experiences. The WSA exists to support the practice and use of the latihan, the human activities that arise from it. The organization is responsible to organize a World Congress every 4 years, it is the congregation of the 54 member countries with many more members to agree on policy and decide on activities and projects that pursue the fulfillment of the constitutional  aims of the WSA . ...


  " Dalam Subud tidak ada perbedaan antara agama satu dan lainnya, karena yang tumbuh ialah kesejatiannya, yaitu apa yang sudah ada di dalam masing-masing manusianya. Jadi, jika seorang Kristen, dia akan menemui sejatinya Kristus, bila seorang Buddhis, ia akan menemui sejatinya Buddha di alam rohaninya. Demikian juga untuk seorang Muslim, tentu akan bertemu dengan kemurnian Islam. Lalu, kalau kita sungguh-sungguh sudah benar-benar dapat mengenal aspek halus kita, maka di dalam segala hal kita akan dituntun oleh Kekuasaan Tuhan, sebab Kekuasaan Tuhanlah yang bekerja di dalam dan di luar kita, sehingga di mana saja, di kantor atau sedang menyetir mobil, atau melakukan apa saja, kita akan selalu dituntun oleh Kekuasaan Tuhan. Sungguh jelas apa yang tersabda di dalam Alquran, "Sebelum bertindak, ucapkanlah bismillaahir rahmaanir rahiim"  Dengan Jelas bahwa SUBUD adalah bagian dari ISLAM. Pertanyaanya apakah mereka di terima ISLAM" Silahkan yang beragama Isla...


PERKUMPULAN PERSAUDARAAN KEJIWAAN SUSILA BUDHI DHARMA ( SUBUD )   PENDAHULUAN Keterangan singkat tentang SUBUD ini diangkat dari suatu sinopsis yang dibuat atas permintaan Direktur Pembina Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia dan disusun sesuai dengan arahan seperti tercantum sebagai Garis Besar Materi Pemaparan Budaya Spiritual yang merupakan lampiran dari surat tertanggal 3 Mei 1988 nomor 159/F.6/E.2/1988 kepada Pengurus PPK Subud Indonesia.   I. PENGERTIAN UMUM a. Tinjauan Sejarah Kelahiran Pendiri dari Perkumpulan Persaudaraan Kejiwaan Subud ialah Bapak R.M. Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo yang pada tanggal 23 Juni 1987 telah wafat di Jakarta dalam usia 86 tahun.  Latihan Kejiwaan Subud diterima oleh Bapak Muhammad Subuh dalam suatu pengalaman gaib pada suatu malam di tahun 1925, dan delapan tahun kemudian, pada tahun 1933 Bapak Muhammad Subuh menamakan apa yang diterimany...