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Showing posts with the label Himpunan Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

Welcome SUBUD ( Susila Budhi Dharma)

The World Subud Association (WSA)  is the umbrella organization for the worldwide Subud community. Members of the WSA are 54 national Subud organizations. The essence of Subud is a spiritual exercise or training called the ‘latihan’ which is open to people whatever their religion or belief. Through this practice, a person may spontaneously go through inner changes that allow one to be more fully human and more sensitive to higher values. These changes express themselves in one’s everyday pursuits. Subud involves no creed; people form their own beliefs based on their personal experiences. The WSA exists to support the practice and use of the latihan, the human activities that arise from it. The organization is responsible to organize a World Congress every 4 years, it is the congregation of the 54 member countries with many more members to agree on policy and decide on activities and projects that pursue the fulfillment of the constitutional  aims of the WSA . ...

Sarasehan Munaslub Himpunan Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

Malang, 12 November 2013 – Sarasehan Musyawarah Luar Biasa Himpunan Penghayat Kepercayaan yang berlangsung di Gedung Gelombang Samudra Pangkalan TNI-AL, Jalan Tanimbar, Malang dengan pembicara Kamaluddin, SH dan Sekretaris Jenderal AMAN Abdon Nababan, serta moderator Ir. Hadi Prajoko, SH, MH. Abdon Nababan yang mendapat kesempatan pertama menyampaikan pandangannya mengatakan. “Kalau untuk mencintai negeri ini kita mesti membenci pemerintah memangnya kenapa? Karena pemerintah bisa berganti. Pemerintah hari ini adalah pemerintah yang dipimpin oleh Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Jika kita tidak suka satu rezim pemerintah karena tidak menjalankan amanat konstitusi, kan boleh? Saya hanya mau meyakinkan bahwa kita tidak sedang di luar jalur konstitusi. Kita mau menegakkan hak-hak konstitusional rakyat Indonesia.” Abdon menjelaskan bahwa ada empat hak dasar masyarakat adat, yaitu hak atas identitas budaya, hak atas sistem pengetah...