Suku Anak Dalam : Dinamika Perkembangan Sistem Kepercayaan Suku Anak Dalam di Kecamatan Mestong, Kabupaten Muaro Bungo Propinsi Jambi: Kajian Hak-hak Sipil
Penelitian HARMONI Juli – September 2011 Jurnal Multikultural & Multireligius Vol. X No. 3 Abstract This study is fucused on development of Anak Dalam Tribe on their beliefs, followers, traditions and also on government policy pertaining civil service right before and ofter launching ndminduk Law no 23, 2006 and social relation of this tribe with their surrounding communities especially regarding the mainstream religion in the are this tribe has changed in terms of their beliefs that many of them now converted into moslems and christianity. As some others are still in their traditions and nomadic.Local government has not fully given services on theri civil rights such as ID cards, letter of birth, marriage certificates etc, While the ministry of religious affairs hasl also not given attention to their religious life. Keyword: dynamic of development, belief system, Anak Dalam Tribe. Latar Belakang Masyarakat Indonesia mempunyai tradisi keberagamaan yang sangat plural dan...