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Showing posts with the label News Penghayat Kepercayaan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

Religious Column Issues Requested Submitted to Local Government for Trust Accommodation

( DJUMENA LEBAK, - Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) is required to submit the issue of religious columns in identity cards (KTP) to the local government. It is to accommodate the believers. "We hope that the column of religion can be handled by the local government," said Chairman of the Fatwa Commission of Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Lebak District, KH Baijuri when contacted in Lebak, Tuesday (25/11/2014), as quoted by Antara. He said religious adherents in the country outside the six religions set by the government need to include his belief in electronic ID card. Therefore, the government must protect people who embrace various schools of trust. For believers can be written with a belief slash. Baijuri pointed out, Baduy people who live in the interior of Lebak regency, Banten province, which adheres to the belief of Sunda Wiwitan, in the religious column in KTP simply write a description of trust or imprinted by the trust of Sunda ...

There are 187 Trusted Trusted Groups in Government

Sejumlah penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa saat menghadiri Serasehan Daerah Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa di Kota Malang, Rabu (31/8/2016). (Kontributor Malang, Andi Hartik) In total there are 187 belief groups in Indonesia recorded by the government. Mostly, the belief group is in Central Java with 53 groups. Director of Trust on God Almighty and Tradition, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Sri Hartini said that by registering, the group of pengayat will get coaching from the government. "If indeed he really believe in trust, if you want to be nurtured by the government, will be empowered," Sri said contacted on Thursday (9/11/2017). (Also read: The Constitutional Court: The Right of Believers Equivalent to 6 Religious Persons) Sri explained, when there is a group of belief believers who register, the government then browse their teachings. The government will ascertain whether its teachings w...

Constitutional Court: The Right of Believers Equals to 6 Religious Persons

The Constitutional Court granted a petition for judicial review regarding the rules of emptying the religious column on Family Card (KK) and Identity Card (KTP). It is regulated in Article 61 Paragraphs (1) and (2), and Article 64 paragraph (1) and (5) of Law No. 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration juncto Law No. 24 of 2013 on Law on Adminduk. Test material submitted by Nggay Mehang Tana, Pagar Demanra Sirait, Arnol Purba and Carlim with case number 97 / PUU-XIV / 2016. In its verdict, the Panel of Judges is of the opinion that the word "religion" in Article 61 paragraph (1) and Article 64 paragraph (1) is contradictory to the 1945 Constitution and has no conditional binding legal force as long as it does not include believers. That is, believers have the same legal status as those of six religions who have been recognized by the government in obtaining rights related to population administration. "The Panel of Judges granted the petition of the Pet...