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There are 187 Trusted Trusted Groups in Government

Sejumlah penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa saat menghadiri Serasehan Daerah Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa di Kota Malang, Rabu (31/8/2016).
Sejumlah penghayat kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa saat menghadiri Serasehan Daerah Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa di Kota Malang, Rabu (31/8/2016).(Kontributor Malang, Andi Hartik)
In total there are 187 belief groups in Indonesia recorded by the government.
Mostly, the belief group is in Central Java with 53 groups.
Director of Trust on God Almighty and Tradition, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, Sri Hartini said that by registering, the group of pengayat will get coaching from the government.
"If indeed he really believe in trust, if you want to be nurtured by the government, will be empowered," Sri said contacted on Thursday (9/11/2017).
(Also read: The Constitutional Court: The Right of Believers Equivalent to 6 Religious Persons)
Sri explained, when there is a group of belief believers who register, the government then browse their teachings.
The government will ascertain whether its teachings worship God Almighty or not.
"If it is registered in Kemendikbud, it is definitely a teaching, how is Belief in God Almighty, it is a religious splinter or not," said Sri.
"Who is this worshiped who, perhaps besides God, if you register in Kemendikbud there must be a study because there are forms that must be filled," he added.
Sri added that Kemendikbud is only a facilitator from the government to meet the needs of those belief groups.
"Kemendikbud is a facilitator, what is it that they need, for example in education service, if he is a believer, fill a statement saying that I am a believer, so the school can serve in accordance with the existing laws and regulations," he said .
(read: MK: Religion Column on KTP and KK Can Be Written "Penghayat Kepercayaan")
Based on Kemendikbud data in 2017, 187 belief groups spread across 13 provinces in Indonesia.
Here are the details:
- North Sumatra 12 groups- Riau 1 group- Lampung 5 groups- Banten 1 group- DKI Jakarta 14 groups- West Java 7 groups- Central Java 53 groups- Jogjakarta 25 groups- East Java 50 groups- Bali 8 groups- West Nusa Tenggara 2 groups- East Nusa Tenggara 5 groups- North Sulaweasi 4 groups
The Panel of Justices of the Constitutional Court previously stated that the status of the believer can be listed in the religious column on the family card and the electronic identity card without the need to specify the belief flow held.
According to the panel of judges, it is necessary to address the orderly administration of population as the number of believers in Indonesian society is very wide and varied.

It was delivered by the Constitutional Court in a judicial review of the matter related to the rules of emptying the religious column on KK and KTP.
It is stipulated in Article 61 Paragraphs (1) and (2) and Article 64 Paragraph (1) and (5) of Law Number 23 Year 2006 regarding Population Administration (Adminduk) juncto Law Number 24 Year 2013 regarding Law on Adminduk.
According to the Constitutional Court, to guarantee the constitutional rights of the petitioners, the word "religion" in Article 61 Paragraph (1) and Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Adminduk Law should include believers.
Differences in the arrangement of citizenship in terms of inclusion of elements of population data are not based on constitutional reasons.
Such arrangements have treated differently to citizens of belief and religious citizens recognized under legislation in accessing public services.
Therefore, the Constitutional Court decides the word "religion" in Article 61 Paragraph (1) and Article 64 Paragraph (1) of the Adminduk Law is contradictory to the 1945 Constitution and has no conditional binding legal force as long as it does not include believers.(translate.kompas)


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