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Women's Dialogue "Penghayat Kepercayaan" ---- Ministry of Cultural Education

On 2 - 4 November 2016 held at Harris Hotel Surabaya, Directorate of Belief in God Almighty and Tradition, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture held the activities of Dialogue of Women Believers of Belief in God Almighty.The event was attended by approximately 200 participants from women who believed in God Almighty God from 12 Provinces in Indonesia, Culture and Tourism Office of East Java Province, Cultural Value Preservation Hall, and Academics. This activity is also enlivened by the exhibition of cultural works resulting from the craft of the believer's trust organization of God Almighty.The dialogue of women who believe in God Almighty aims to improve the role of women in the formation of the character of the nation, increasing the role of women in the management of believer's trust organization, and increasing the participation of women living in the role of regeneration wheel belay organizers.The Opening of Dialogue of Women Believers of Faith Against God YMEIn his opening speech, Assistant Region I of Surabaya City, Yayuk said that the Surabaya Regional Government recently conducted an activity that carries the issue of gender equality. He said that the Regional Government of Surabaya also promotes activities that can foster the attitude and nature of nationalism to children. After the official opening, the performance of Bedoyo Sukma Agung Dance from students of SMK 1 Surabaya.

Pembukaan Dialog Perempuan Penghayat Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan YME 
 Trust Director of God YME and Tradition deliver the materialThe material presented in the Dialogue of Women Believers of Belief in this Almighty God is:1. The Role of the State and Government in the Service of Belief in God Almighty, delivered by the Director of Belief in God Almighty and Tradition, Drs. Sri Hartini, M.Si2. The existence of the Noble Assembly of Belief in God Almighty, delivered by the Chairman of the Presidium Assembly Luhur Belief in God Almighty Indonesia3. Efforts to Fight for Rights of the Beloved in the perspective of the female penghayat, provided by Wiwik Sulityowati4. Improving Quality of Life and Role of Women in social life, delivered by Dodi Muhammad Hidayat, M. Kom from the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection5. Women's Business Development for Family Welfare, presented by Drs. Ruslan MR, MM from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises6. Empowering Women Empowering Trust Strategy against God Almighty in Strengthening Mental and Character of the Nation presented by Pingky Saptandari7. The Role of Women in Strengthening Organizational Unity of Belief in God Almighty by Academician, Dr. Abdul Latif Bustami8. Legislative Role in the Fulfillment of Indonesian Women's Rights, presented by members of the House of Representatives, Drs. Marlinda Irwanti Poernomo, SE, M. Si9. Development of Partnerships and Networks delivered by Hj. Susmiati Rahmawati
Direktur Kepercayaan Terhadap Tuhan YME dan Tradisi menyampaikan materinya
   The atmosphere of Dialogue Participant while singing the national anthemAfter the presentation of the material, there will be a commission meeting which discussed 3 (three) issues, namely: 1. Women's Commission and Organizational Governance; 2. Women's Commission and Community Economic Development; 3. Women Commission and Nation Character Development. The results of this commission session will be used as a formulation as a guideline and planning activities of women believer's belief in God Almighty in the future. (Kemendikbud)


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