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The existence of the Javanese in Suriname is not able to be released from the plantations which opened thereāĨ¤ Because slavery was allowed in there, and people of African descent freed from slavery. In the late 1800s the Dutch began to bring the contract laborers from Java, India and China. Initially placed the Javanese in Suriname in the 1880s and employed in the sugar plantations and wood lots in the area of Suriname. Javanese people arrived in Suriname in many ways, but many are forced or kidnapped from the villages. Not only the Javanese who brought, but also there are the Madurese, Sundanese, Batak, and other areas of his descendants became the Javanese all there. Spread Javanese in Suriname, so there is a village called Tamanredjo and Castle. There are also gathered in Marienburg. Suriname Javanese actually exist in the land of Java relative lives far away though oceans apart, that's why the Java language in the region remain stable over Suriname. Knowing Indonesia's '...


The existence of the Javanese in Suriname is not able to be released from the plantations which opened thereāĨ¤ Because slavery was allowed in there, and people of African descent freed from slavery. In the late 1800s the Dutch began to bring the contract laborers from Java, India and China. Initially placed the Javanese in Suriname in the 1880s and employed in the sugar plantations and wood lots in the area of Suriname. Javanese people arrived in Suriname in many ways, but many are forced or kidnapped from the villages. Not only the Javanese who brought, but also there are the Madurese, Sundanese, Batak, and other areas of his descendants became the Javanese all there. Spread Javanese in Suriname, so there is a village called Tamanredjo and Castle. There are also gathered in Marienburg. Suriname Javanese actually exist in the land of Java relative lives far away though oceans apart, that's why the Java language in the region remain stable over Suriname. Knowing Indonesia's '...

Kejawen, a Javanese traditional spiritual teaching

The ancient people of Java since 3000 years BC had known the wet-rice cultivation . This system of agriculture requires a smooth cooperation between villagers, is still being practiced to this day. The villagers must have a very high consciousness to organize such a complicated arrangement to be a smooth cooperation, benefited all parties involved. Besides the wet-rice cultivation, they have known also among other fishery, astronomy, cloth weaving, batik, gamelan & wayang. Before the arrival of Hinduism and any other world religions, the Javanese had already a culture & belief(s) of their own. In some Javanese traditional ceremonies, ancient rituals remain in place to this day. It is a proof that Javanese people are smart in preserving their precious identity. Besides the existence of widely recognized religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam & Christianity, a local belief popularly known as Kejawen or Kebatinan does continue to exist. Kejawen from the word Jawa (Java...

Kejawen, a Javanese traditional spiritual teaching

The ancient people of Java since 3000 years BC had known the wet-rice cultivation . This system of agriculture requires a smooth cooperation between villagers, is still being practiced to this day. The villagers must have a very high consciousness to organize such a complicated arrangement to be a smooth cooperation, benefited all parties involved. Besides the wet-rice cultivation, they have known also among other fishery, astronomy, cloth weaving, batik, gamelan & wayang. Before the arrival of Hinduism and any other world religions, the Javanese had already a culture & belief(s) of their own. In some Javanese traditional ceremonies, ancient rituals remain in place to this day. It is a proof that Javanese people are smart in preserving their precious identity. Besides the existence of widely recognized religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam & Christianity, a local belief popularly known as Kejawen or Kebatinan does continue to exist. Kejawen from the word Jawa (Jav...

Sejarah Orang Jawa di Suriname

Sejarah Orang Jawa di Suriname Adanya orang Jawa di Suriname ini tak dapat dilepaskan dari adanya perkebunan-perkebunan yang dibuka di sana. Karena tak diperbolehkannya perbudakan di sana, dan orang-orang keturunan Afrika dibebaskan dari perbudakan. Di akhir 1800an Belanda mulai mendatangkan para kuli kontrak asal Jawa, India dan Tiongkok . Orang Jawa awalnya ditempatkan di Suriname tahun 1880-an dan dipekerjakan di perkebunan gula dan kayu yang banyak di daerah Suriname. Orang Jawa tiba di Suriname dengan banyak cara, namun banyak yang dipaksa atau diculik dari desa -desa. Tak hanya orang Jawa yang dibawa, namun juga ada orang-orang Madura , Sunda , Batak , dan daerah lain yang keturunannya menjadi orang Jawa semua di sana. Orang Jawa menyebar di Suriname, sehingga ada desa bernama Tamanredjo dan Tamansari. Ada pula yang berkumpul di Marienburg. Orang Jawa Suriname sesungguhnya tetap ada kerabat di Tanah Jawa walau hidupnya jauh terpisah samudra, itu sebabnya Bahasa Jawa tetap les...

Sejarah Orang Jawa di Suriname

Sejarah Orang Jawa di Suriname Adanya orang Jawa di Suriname ini tak dapat dilepaskan dari adanya perkebunan-perkebunan yang dibuka di sana. Karena tak diperbolehkannya perbudakan di sana, dan orang-orang keturunan Afrika dibebaskan dari perbudakan. Di akhir 1800an Belanda mulai mendatangkan para kuli kontrak asal Jawa, India dan Tiongkok . Orang Jawa awalnya ditempatkan di Suriname tahun 1880-an dan dipekerjakan di perkebunan gula dan kayu yang banyak di daerah Suriname. Orang Jawa tiba di Suriname dengan banyak cara, namun banyak yang dipaksa atau diculik dari desa -desa. Tak hanya orang Jawa yang dibawa, namun juga ada orang-orang Madura , Sunda , Batak , dan daerah lain yang keturunannya menjadi orang Jawa semua di sana. Orang Jawa menyebar di Suriname, sehingga ada desa bernama Tamanredjo dan Tamansari. Ada pula yang berkumpul di Marienburg. Orang Jawa Suriname sesungguhnya tetap ada kerabat di Tanah Jawa walau hidupnya jauh terpisah samudra, itu sebabnya Bahasa Jawa tetap ...